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Case Study

NE iPhone Repair

After relaunching their website, NH iPhone Repair saw a staggering 131.1% increase in visitors to their site.
neiphone repair's website design

Project Results

+ 0 %
Organic Search
+ 0 %
+ 0 %
Page Views
+ 0 %

Project Breakdown

NE iPhone Repair saw poor results from their website and its performance was lackluster. They approached me looking for improvements to their search engine ranking, visitor numbers, and user engagement.

Following the website redevelopment project, the results they gained was fantastic. A 131.1% increase in visitors, a remarkable 134.1% increase in organic search traffic, and a 64.2 increase in user engagement.

Notably, visitors are spending more time on the site, with an 11.8% increase in average time spent and their pageviews have increased by 75.3%.

These positive outcomes show the success of their website redevelopment project, making NE iPhone Repair more visible online and appealing to their customers.


Is Your Website Starting To Look Outdated?

A website redesign can help!

If you’d like to learn more about the ways I can help, get in touch and we’ll discuss the different paths you may have open to you.